The latest issue of A Touch Far Vetched, Vol 1 Issue 8, is now online and available to read for FREE…and what an issue this is, full of wholesome Swans goodness yet more provocative than a Paul Watson Fans Forum😱
Here are some of the highlights in the treasure trove that is Issue 8 of ATFV:-
🦢 Revolving Doors – a lighthearted look at the players that came in (not many) and went out (all the duds) in the last transfer window
🦢 We Have a Plan? – Fanzine Founding Father Phil Sumbler shares his concerns on the club’s strategy
🦢 It’s Cold Without Winter – Guto Llewellyn laments the departure of former Chief Executive Julian Winter
🦢 After Burners – a fast and furious feature on some former Swans speedsters
🦢 The More Things Change… – the more they stay the same, according to Andy Godden
🦢 Leight-On In The Game – the most miserable man in the world shares his thoughts on Duff’s departure
🦢 Learn With ATFV – some fun facts on former Swan John Williams, presented by Albert Einstein
🦢 Competition Time – your chance to win a bespoke magnetic metal poster of our Alan Curtis artwork, signed by the Legend himself
For a more…visual…way of assessing what’s on offer, why not check out our issue trailer below👇🏼
So now we’ve whet your appetite, stirred your Swans juices, why not click the button below and read the complete issue for FREE?