There are not many positives to the current nationwide lockdown, but the opportunity to introduce a fresh look for the ATFV Online website is definitely one.
A little while ago I asked my web wonders at Accent Creative to transform the exisiting website and turn it into something cleaner, less cluttered and more mobile friendly.
Technical guru Tudur delivered in spades, creating a bespoke WordPress theme that is not only a lot easier on the eye but also allows for some very unobtrusive home page GoogleAds which I’m hoping you’ll all click to add a few extra pennies into the #ATFVfundraising pot!
There’s a pretty significant change ion the background too with the ability to create posts and pages on the site with the same Elementor page building interface that is used to create the new online ATFV fanzine. This means I have more control when creating pages and can finally properly optimise content for mobile and tablet platforms as well as for desktop PCs.
The plan is to use the more simplified WordPress editor for regular blog type posts such as this but to create some more ambitious pages in Elementor for features such as Vetch Field Memories.
Alas, even with the shiny new look its been a while since I’ve had the opporunity to sit down and add content – and the longer you don’t post on one of these things, the harder it gets.
I’ve been meaning to put the hard work in to get the new feature pages done before releasing any blog posts…but other priorities and the evil that is PROCRASTINATION have stopped me doing that, and truth is the delay could go on forever.
Which is why I’m using the free time and total quiet of this lockdown Easter weekend to just get my head down, forget wrestling with the cosmetic stuff, and just start pumping out content again!
There might not be much to write about as far as ‘Current Affairs’ is concerned with the Swans sidelined like everyone else, but with a hundred years plus of history to play with there is ALWAYS something Swans related we can bring you.
Plus there’s some serious fundraising to be done – I can’t stage any events for obvious reasons but I can damn well use this platform to make monetary appeals, launch initiatives and back the very many schemes out there trying to support our frontline NHS and key workers.
So I’m gonna get this article published and immediately get to work preparing some fascinating and quirky content for you all to scan through as you subject yourselves to your own self imposed imprisonment.
Let’s get to work…